Captured Reflectionz

In the spring, I found myself at a brook and couldn't resist capturing the reflection of spring's beginning.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Pet Portraits

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
A Night on the Town

Ok time for some of the fun ones :P
This is why you need a tripod, lol. the slightest wiggle causes the lights to become cool smears across your page! :P

And here is my ghost ship arising from the mists!!! :-O

Monday, January 18, 2010
Bendigo, the amazing Cat!

Now he's desperately searching for a pencil... " Where could I have put it down???"

Friday, January 15, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010
Punk Kitty Caught Red Handed, or maybe that should be Purple Eared

Friday, January 8, 2010
Country living and internet
Lol, so now I live in the city and have fast internet! No more falling asleep at the computer episodes! I can get things done in a whole lot less time
hee hee... Dad, I hope you don't mind that I posted these ;)
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Just some pics

Oh look, it's me waiting for the bus during my senior year. What crazy weather! lol
And here is my adorable, sweet, yet absolutely crazy and silly little Buddy =)
oh look, it's me and my little buddy. He'd been eating pizza =P LOL
I'll post more later on today. =) Hope you enjoy and have a beautiful morning!
ok. ok... one more :P I have to tell you, I'm often taking crazy self portraits, and this one was for St. Patrick's Day!!

Wednesday! =)

A trip with my parakeet

He and I were sick of all the snow and being stuck inside. So, we went on a trip today =)
We went:

To his homeland jungle to see all his friends and family

To a place where the fragrance of apple blossoms permeate the air!
And last but not least to McDonalds!!!! ( He was loving it!) He really likes my friend, Elissa ( below) that works at McDonald's as well as the fries they serve! :D

p.s. the reason there's no pics of me on here, is that Silas has a hard time holding the camera AND pushing the button to snap the picture ;)